18 OCTOBER 1930, page 45

The Seventeenth Ceriuryean Never Fail In Itsappeal To En...

students of their own history. It was the heroic a g e, the a g e of flamin g ideas, violent clashes and vi g orous utterance. So much so that it wore people out. The ei g......

Some Books Of The Week How Is One To Praise

a book of verse nowadays without raisi n g the suspicion in the reader's mind that here is another mechanical swan ? Methucns have published a collection of lyrics entitled......

The Hero Of Pearls, Arms And Hashish (gollanez, 18s.) Is

very nearly but not q uite, another Trader Horn. His real name, apparently, is Henri de Monfried • lie is a Frenchman who broke away from conventional business pursuits (he was......

Mr. Lloyd Geor G E Lon G A G O Made Limehouse A Synonym For

the kind of oratory that used to be associated with Billin g s g ate. More recently Mr. Thomas Burke's sensational tales have sent curious visitors to look for " London's under-......

A New Competition

THE Editor offers a prize of two g uineas for the best su gg estion, written clearly and le g ibly on a postcard, as to how the income from Mr. Harkness' g enerous g ift of......

The Competition

Youn cousin and his wife, who have lived all their lives in Australia, want to spend one month of next year in Great Britain. They ask your advice as to when they should come,......

Few Politicians Would Be G Rateful To Their Secretaries...

their speeches after an interval of many years. Few lawyers of note would care to read (much less let others read) their by g one addresses to law associations. Sir John Simon......

Mr. H. St. J. B. Philby, Well Known For His

political service in the Arab lands, luis written a new and attractive book on Arabia (Bens, 18s.) from the Wahhabi standpoint. He be g ins in the ei g hteenth centurywith the......

A Fighting Parson, By Alexander Irvine, Reviewed In The...

of October 11th , was published by Williams and Nor g ate at 12s. 6d.......

Messrs. Faber And Faber Have Put Out Seven More "

tup- penny coloured " pamphlets in their " Ariel Poems " Series. Unfortunately the price is Is. each. All the poets are well known : Chesterton, Eliot, De la Marc, D. H.......