18 OCTOBER 1930, Page 45

Messrs. Faber and Faber have put out seven more "

tup- penny coloured " pamphlets in their " Ariel Poems " Series. Unfortunately the price is Is. each. All the poets are well known : Chesterton, Eliot, De la Marc, D. H. Lawrence, Sassoon, Roy Campbell and Harold Munro. Lawrence, as usual, stands as a giant above the other experimenters. His poem on " The Triumph of the Machine ' is powerful ; a vivid and crucial idea superbly expressed. Mr. Eliot remains the Politician of Modern Poetry, shapely but unintelligible. Mr. Campbell stands on the shore of the world, inviting us to watch him launch his Surf-boat of Rhetoric. Mr. Dc la Mare bakes us a cake of cobwebs and batswings. Mr. Chesterton rolls and roams around the Cross and the Impossible Past. Mr. Munro and Mr. Sassoon give us least for our money, but from each that little is a very musical lyric.