18 OCTOBER 1930, page 15

A Coming Law.

One cardinal difficulty has stood in the way ; and the pioneer counties have found a way round only by a rather weak compromise. Any area scheduled as agricultural, and there-......

Birds (always Excepting, For Some Unknown Reason, The...

to avoid the telegraph wires within a few years. I cannot find any evidence, though I have sought it in many counties, that the new electric wires have done any damage. We may......

Yorkshire Suurnam.s.

Information continues to grow on the rapid extension of the range of the grey squirrel. The latest comes from York- shire which is becoming populous. A very precise account of......

Country Life

THE LITTER LOUT. At the very lively and suggestive National Conference of the C,P.R.E., held at the Welwyn Garden City last week, few of the small speeches and suggestions were......

Such Regional Plans And Surveys Would Consort Suitably...

a scheme for the rehabilitation of agriculture as is described—succinctly, persuasively, and perspicuously—by Air. C. S. Orwin in his latest little book, The Future of Farming......

Badger Victims.

I have long feared that the spread of electric power may do much damage (along with its incomparable good) to wild animals until they learn the dangers ; but it certainly never......

The Regional Survey.

Every social reformer should inwardly digest the essential principle to be observed for the future in the conservation of Britain. It will in all probability be adopted by......

Western Bats.

A query about bats (not Lewis Carroll's " Do Cats Eat Bats ? ") reached me from Weston-super-Mare just before is series of similar questions appeared in the daily press. The......