[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Snr,—The " alluring idea " to which your correspondent, Mr. MacLellan Wilson, refers has been developed at cousiderable length, and for several years in the columns of The Times of East Africa. He has only to consult the files of that journal, which presumably escaped his notice in Kenya, in order to learn how feasible is the proposal to reorganize the settled area and the native territories of Kenya into two distinct adminis- trative and economic units. Should Mr: Wilson find any difficulty in securing access to the files in question, I should be happy to meet him personally, and to enlighten him ; but fully to develop the details of the proposal in a letter would, I fear, be an undue tax on your readers' patience. The proposals will doubtless be considered by the Select Committee appointed to review the problems of East Africa, and that the solution is a practical one may be assumed from the advocacy of the same principle by Mr. Wilson's chief, Lord Delamere, who insists on the necessity for keeping the two communities strictly apart.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Youa Cosrrainuron. [The letter which appears above under the heading " South African Natives and the Crown" also bears on this subject.— En. Spectator.]