[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—You express surprise that the proposal to increase the Prime Minister's salary by £2,000 per annum, and allow him a pension on retiring, and also to grant an allowance to the leader of the Opposition, has not been better received. May I, however, point out that the present Prime Minister is already in receipt of a sum supposed to amount to about £5,000 per annum derived from certain shares allotted to him for the whole of his lifetime by a generous (Conservative) admirer ; and that Mr. Lloyd George, who may be considered one of the leaders of the Opposition, is in receipt (during his lifetime) of a similar amount left to him by the late Mr. Carnegie ? Considering that these amounts were placed at these gentlemen's disposal for the express purpose of relieving them from any financial stringency, it seems strange indeed that at the present time, when they are occupying the positions they occupy, the proposal should be put forward that the holders of those positions should receive something still more from the resources of an already overburdened State.—I am,
Sir, &c., A. CRIPPS. 11 Ambrose Place, Worthing.
[We publish this letter in criticism of the principle involved, but take no responsibility for the figures given.—En. Spectator.]