[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—With reference to the
article in your issue of October 4th, regarding the nationality and birthplace of Duns Scotus, perhaps the following items may be of interest. I write from Dims, not a village as suggested by " G. M. T.," but a Burgh of Barony, the town having been granted its Charter by King James IV in 1489. Local tradition has it that the father of Dims Scotus was a younger son of Duns of Gruel- dykes—a farm still in occupation about a mile from Duns— a cadet of Duns of that ilk. The house in which lie was said to have been born, was situated in the old town of Duns, and a large stone now forming part of a park wall has been pointed out from generation to generation as having belonged to the house in which he was born. In the Town Hall hangs a portrait in oils with the following inscription :—" John Duns Scotus, Doctor Subtilis, born in Dims A.D. 1274, died in Cologne 8th Novr., 1308."—I am, Sir, &c., JOIIN BAILLIE. British Linen Bank House, Duns.