THE storm is gathering in the East. The Sultan, up to Friday, had not been convinced that he must yield Dulcigno to the Montenegrins under the Treaty of Berlin ; and though be professed his willingness, his troops hung aloof, and the Albanians threatened resistance by force of arms. Prince Nikita, therefore, had been directed by the Courts to send an army to Dulcigno, and his General (Petrovich) was advancing on the place, with 5,000 men. At the same time, Admiral Sir Beauchamp Seymour, in general command of the European Fleet, had received his instructions,—which were, it is under- -stood, to support the Montenegrin movement, morally or materi- ally, as circumstances might dictate. Failing an honest sur- render by the Porte and the Albanians, action was expected to commence on Monday, and no such surrender was antici- pated on the spot. The Albanians have been encouraged by advice and money from Constantinople ; the Turkish soldiers in the neighbourhood, under Riza Pasha, either say, or are made to say, that they will join them ; and neither Turks nor Albanians have the least idea of what the Fleet can do, or what an irresistible body of power it represents. A volley may change
• the situation, and by the latest accounts the Consuls and foreign merchants had been warned to leave Dulcigno.