Catholic And Protestant Worship. [to The Editor Of Trh "
SPBCTATOR.") hardly like to admit that to me your remedy for grievances like that of the Bournemouth congregation seems "unnecessary," in the sense that there is no hardship......
The New Irish University.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "E1'ECTATOR.1 Sia,—The Irish Bishops have recently issued a declaration upon the new phase which the University question has assumed in this country. While......
Industrial Schools Act.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your review of the work done by the present House of Commons, you have omitted to notice one important Act, to which, if you will......
"NAY, I'LL STAY WITH THE LAD." [In Hutton seam, No. 3, they saw two bodies, father and son, clasped together. One of the explorers knew the man, and knew that after the......