18 SEPTEMBER 1880, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE storm is gathering in the East. The Sultan, up to Friday, had not been convinced that he must yield Dulcigno to the Montenegrins under the Treaty of Berlin ; and though be......

London Has Been Startled By An Attempt At Crime Hitherto

without precedent in England. Some person or persons not yet detected endeavoured on Sunday night to blow up an express train on the London and North-Western line with dynamite.......

The Turkish Ministry Has Been Again Upset, And Said Pasha

is once more Grand Vizier. It is believed in Constantinople that Kadri fell because he and the Ministry were inclined to yield about Montenegro, and that Said excited the......

A Kind Of Sketch Of The Instructions To The Admirals

at Ragusa has been published, but it does not amount to much. Admiral Seymour, as senior Admiral, is appointed Commander.in-Chief ; 'but whenever action is intended, he does not......

No Intelligence Of Any Moment Has Been Received From India

this week, and Indian society appears to be solely occupied with discussions on the propriety of retaining Candahar. Accord- ing to the correspondent of the Times, opinion is......

A Storm Is Evidently Raging In The French Ministry. M.

de Freycinet wishes to abstain from carrying out the decrees against the unauthorised religious societies, and to introduce next Session a general law, to which they say they......

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