The Turkish Ministry has been again upset, and Said Pasha
is once more Grand Vizier. It is believed in Constantinople that Kadri fell because he and the Ministry were inclined to yield about Montenegro, and that Said excited the Sultan's fears of the consequences which concession might have in alienating the Albanians. His Majesty is very much afraid -that the Albanians in Constantinople might assassinate him, or at all events allow somebody else to do it,—and is reported, indeed, to have a new terror a day. We scarcely recall in history a monarch so timid and so incapable over whom advisers appeared to obtain so little hold. He is always under some one's dominion, yet he changes his Ministers and his favourites once a month, and continues, amidst endless vacillations, tremors, and concessions, to remain the most uncontrolled monarch in Europe. He is said to be astute —and certainly no one permanently tricks him—but it is to be observed that he never gains a step towards his objects. On the contrary, his " management " has ended in compelling Europe to make a naval demonstration, in alienating all Powers alike, though not equally, and in making his throne more in- secure than it was when he ascended it. The foible of the Stuarts and the later Bourbons, the inability to succeed, seems to have developed itself in the recent Sultans.