SIR,—In a well-known town I recently conversed with the head of a boot-repairing establishment ; and I give the result of the conversation in the form of a diary.
December, 1941.—One week behind with repairs through shortage of staff.
March, 1942.—Two more expert members of staff joined the forces. Two weeks behind with large accumulation of rep:-.irs.
lune, 1942.—Unable to obtain " quota " supply of leather ; stocks nearly run out.
August, I942.—A further expert employee called up. Three weeks behind with repairs.
September, 1942.—Visit from a Government official suggesting that the firm should undertake Army contracts for boot repairs!!
The reply to this suggestion was "I cannot get my ' quota ' of leather, and next week still another expert employee will be called up. Experts in the boot-repairing trade cannot be replaced. If this toll of my expert workers goes on, we shall have to close down. We cannot even do the work we have in hand for civilians."