18 SEPTEMBER 1942, page 12

The Situation In India

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sia,—May I say about "E. K. Cook's" letter (September11th), corn- menting on mine (September 4th), just one or two things? • (1) The figure cited by me was......

Sir,—the Question Is Frequently Asked, "what Is The Mind Of

the Christian Church in India on the present political situation? And as all who know anything of that Church will readily agree, the first part of the answer must be that a......

Sta,—dr. Maude Royden's Letter In Last Week's Spectator...

complete misunderstanding of the attitude of the British Government in India. I think that all who know and have any deep affection for th zi. land would agree that "we want the......

Sir,—the Answer To Dr. Lofthouse's Statement That "this...

presented India with scheme after scheme for freedom from British contro!, all of them rejected unconditionally because they did not leave the position of Congress supreme and......