A Yugoslav Shakespeare Caclamanos On Mr. Harold Nicolson...
a literary event, but Mr. Nicolson needed rougher handling than this. Like many Englishmen, Mr. Nicolson says Yugoslav when he means Serb. For example, he says that the whole......
Agents-provocateurs Sue,—in The House Of Commons On...
question was asked regarding the methods employed by the enforcement officers of the Board of Trade and in replies to supplementary questions doubt was thr6wn upon the......
Sir,—the Question Is Frequently Asked, "what Is The Mind Of
the Christian Church in India on the present political situation? And as all who know anything of that Church will readily agree, the first part of the answer must be that a......
B.b.c. Refreshment
Snt,—In these days of mental and spiritual stress many of us in our fleeting moments of leisure turn to one or other of the eternal verities for comfort and relief. For some, it......
Economic Nationalism Sut,—in Your Issue Of July 17th,...
you have an interesting note of the week entitled "A Record Wheat Crop." An arresting sentence therein is the following, referring to new British war wheat- fields: "Will they......