18 SEPTEMBER 1942, Page 14


SIR,—Yes, your correspondent "B. T. W." is right in saying we Liberals strongly dislike to be called left wing Conservatives or right wing Socialists—for we are neither. I remember, a long while ago now, honest John Morley (later Viscount Morley) saying to me during a Newcastle-on-Tyne parliamentary election: "Liberalism is a halfway house between reactionary Toryism and revolutionary Labour "—how true—and then supplemented this remark by wisely adding: "Truth is generally midway between two opposing points of view, and that is Liberalism."

Liberalism is the political leaven which leaveneth the whole; in fact, many far-seeing politicians believe that after the war the electors will soon ask the Liberals to form a Government, with a revival that would carry on the great and glorious traditions of Liberal past days. Meanwhile let us