Vatican Council John Eustace Cyprus versus the Rest M rs. C.
Illegal Arrests B. A. Young The War That Cannot Be Won George Bilaink in Afterthought Tim Heald It's Not Just Makarios Emma Eyden What's Happening to the Railways?
James H. Lauchlin Philip Snowden Colin Cross The Jew of Malta' Carlyle Tait Norman Douglas Allan Massie VATICAN COUNCIL
SIR,—We learn from Barbara Lucas's report on the third session of the Second Vatican Council that one of the controversial measures is the question of 'exculpating the Jews of deicide.' A bit late, isn't it? It reminds me of one of those posthumous rehabilitations of victims of Stalinism in the Com- munist world. The chapter on the Jews is an attempt to strip anti-Semitism of any religious foun- dation.' A bit late in the day. Too late for the six million men, women and children who died in Hitler's death factories after undergoing every torture that human sadism could devise.
Isn't this one more instance of the schizophrenic attitude of the Church towards the Jews? A Jew is worshipped as God; a Jewess is venerated above all other women; that totally Jewish book, the Bible, is regarded as divinely inspired. Yet, on the other hand, there is the Church's miserable record of equivocation and 'diplomacy' about the Nazi genocide policy during the war.
This talk of 'exculpating the Jews of deicide' is a revolting relic of mediaeval barbarism which I chal- lenge any Catholic to defend.
Co. Durham