18 SEPTEMBER 1964, page 17

Osborne's Language

By MALCOLM RUTHERFORD Inadmissible Evidence. (Royal Court.) THERE iS at the moment in repertoire at the Vic- toria Theatre, Stoke-on- Trent, a production of John Osborne's Look......

What's Happening To The Railways? Sir,-mr. Munby, In His...

gave an interesting resume of the problems facing railway management. But it was rather a pity that the writer failed to take a look at the remarkable railway management......

The Jew Of Malta'

SIR,—Marlowe's later work is clouded by the mental instability which lies behind the bravado of his genius. Hero and Leander is marred by something like the insanity of Swift.......

Norman Douglas

SIR,—I am collecting material for a biography of Norman 'Douglas. I would be grateful if anyone with information about him or letters from him would get in touch with me. Any......

The War That Cannot Be Won

Sut,—May I, as former editor of the Straits Echo and The 'Times correspondent in Malaya, say Julian Critchley, MP, deserves well of your readers with his down-to-earth appraisal......

It's Not Just Makarios

Sta,--Mr. Andreas Cleanthou's explanation that the Turkish Cypriots began hostilities at Christmas because the Greek Cypriots wished to amend the constitution by peaceful......

Philip Snowden

am preparing for publication by Messrs. Barrie and Rockliff a biography of Philip, Viscount . Snowden, pioneer of the Labour Party and Chan- cellor of the Exchequer in 1924 and......


Sia,—A pity Alan Brien didn't flip through Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable in his 'Afterthought' on cuckolds and their horns last week. For example: 'Morgan le Fay sent......