18 SEPTEMBER 1964, Page 17


Sta,--Mr. Andreas Cleanthou's explanation that the Turkish Cypriots began hostilities at Christmas because the Greek Cypriots wished to amend the constitution by peaceful negotiation is as ludicrously unconvincing as his contention that they actually initiated the fighting.

When Archbishop Makarios submitted his thirteen-point amendment which virtually abolished the rights and guarantees given to the Turks in 1959, he is on record as saying that even if the Turks rejected the amendment he would, nevertheless, proceed with it. Such an attitude can hardly be termed 'peaceful negotiation.' The Greek Cypriot attack on the Turkish ypriots to try and coerce them into acceptance is entirely compatible with their behaviour since Christmas.

Archbishop Makarios and the Greek Cypriots have pursued a campaign of ruthless violence against the Turks allied to a policy' of non-co-operation towards finding a peaceful solution. Archbishop Makarios has made impossible the task of two forces sent to Cyprus to try and restore normality and keep the peace, and has practically ignored the UN Mediator. His most recent contribution to- wards a negotiated settlement has been to torpedo the Geneva talks. in short, he is determined to deny the Turkish Cypriots their legal rights and refuses to consider any solution which recognises These rights.

This is the evidence, not Mr. Cleanthou's 'facts,'

on which the world has judged Archbishop Makarios and held him largely responsible for the present chaos in Cyprus.

18 Westgate Terrace, SWIG EMMA EYDEN