18 SEPTEMBER 1964, page 15

The War That Cannot Be Won

Sut,—May I, as former editor of the Straits Echo and The 'Times correspondent in Malaya, say Julian Critchley, MP, deserves well of your readers with his down-to-earth appraisal......

From The Seaside

By NORMAN LEVINE I REMEMBERED the day I left Cornwall. A wet morning. The tide was out. Some of the boats in the harbour were beached on the sand. I walked by the urinal and......

Cyprus Versus The Rest

Sits.—As Margery Perham points out in her book The Colonial Reckoning, apropos of colonialism from earliest times, 'because conquest led in time to the extension of peace,......

Vatican Council John Eustace Cyprus Versus The Rest M Rs. C.

Daw Illegal Arrests B. A. Young The War That Cannot Be Won George Bilaink in Afterthought Tim Heald It's Not Just Makarios Emma Eyden What's Happening to the Railways? James H.......

Illegal Arrests

SIR,—Which direction was this car going in that Mr. Lodge reports heading towards the South African border after the blowing-up of Amnesty International's hostel? The hostel......