It is reported in Paris, that General Cavaignao has sent
a courier to Vienna, to notify to the Austrian Government that all invasion of the Tus- can, Roman, or Piedmontese territory, would be regarded by France as * castes The Journal des Dgbats had received information that General Walden, the invader of Bologna, has been disavowed and recalled by the Austrian Government.
The Venice Gazette of the 7th instant states, that on that day the Pro- visional Government, presided by M. Castelli, had surrendered the admin- istration to the Sardinian Commissaries, Messrs. Colli and Cibrario.
The Paris papers publish the account of an interview between a depu- tation from Genoa and King Charles Albert, on the 8th instant, which relates matter of interest. The King received the deputation in bed at a late hour of the night, and heard their statement as to the doubts and suspicions of the people of Genoa. He replied, that the armistice was inevitable, and had been obtained through the English Ambassador. The narrative proceeds as follows.
14 The King said= Either we shall conclude an honourable peace, or we shall reinter on the campaign: the public spirit will be again aroused; perhaps France will join us, and we shall be stronger.' At this moment the King, ques- tioned by us as to whether France had refused her intervention, replied—' I made a demand for it told. Cavaignac; but England appeared little disposed to favour this intervention.' As to the internal situation, the King assured us that the concessions he had made would undergo no alteration."