The Signs Of Augury For The Settlement Of Italy Are
not to be sought in Italy itself. The Italian spirit is not quelled,—witness the unsubdued bearing of Charles Albert addressing the people who have not yet deserted him ; the......
Something Revolutionary Is Going On In England ; But What
it is does not yet appear. Physical Force Chartists and Irish Con- federates are making an unusual stir in the Manchester district, the Metropolis, and some other places : at......
Debates Anb Wrottellings Tn Vatitantent.
STATE OF IRELAND. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the LORD CHANCELLOR having moved that the Unlawful Oaths Acts (Ireland) Bill be considered in Committee, the Earl of......
In The Reports From Ireland, The Fag-end Of The Rebellion
mingles with the stale subject of quibbling trials for treasonable sedition in Dublin and the gloomiest anticipations of the crops. The leaders of the rebellion are picked up......