19 AUGUST 1848, page 5
Sbe Ffiletrop Nits.
The public were surprised on Thursday morning with the news that on the preceding day the Police force had an important concerked movement, and had arrested some twenty of the......
Cbe (court.
THE Queen and Prince Albert came from Osborne to town on Tuesday; and her Majesty held a Court at Buckingham Palace. M. de Beaumont, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister......
Debates Anb Wrottellings Tn Vatitantent.
STATE OF IRELAND. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the LORD CHANCELLOR having moved that the Unlawful Oaths Acts (Ireland) Bill be considered in Committee, the Earl of......
Gbe Girobintes.
The Magistrates and Police of Manchester have for some time past been vigilantly watching the proceedings of the Confederates there; and it has been known that the Club......