The Stock Market has fluctuated with the weather, rising and falling as cloud or sunshine prevailed. Some rather large speculative bargains have occurred, and the demand for investment has not been quite so good as usual. There is cense- 9uently a greater abundance of Stock, and money is more in demand; the rate of interest upon loans for short periods ranging from 2 to 21 per cent. The fluctua- tions of Consols have been about 1 per cent; and, after oscillating for the last two or three days within a quarter per cent of 86, the closing price this afternoon was 851 86 for Money, while there were buyers at 86 for Account. The course of the market daring the next few weeks will be determined by the appearance of the harvest, and the probability of an immediate or remote importation of grain. It was anticipated, that in consequence of the state of the foreign exchanges the Bank Directors would at their usual weekly meeting yesterday have raised the rate of discount; but this expectation was not realized. Indeed, though the rates upon Hamburg and the North of Europe are and have been for some time de- clining, the amount of business transacted has been quite unimportant: whence it is inferred, that as yet speculation has not been directed towards the importa- tion of foreign grain. Rather more business has occurred in Foreign Stocks. Mexican, Spanish, and Portuguese of the non-dividend Bonds, are rather in demand; while the dividend- paying Stocks are all in advance of our last prices. The transactions are still in. significant.
The Railway Shares are nearly all lower. North-western have been as low as 113 ex-dividend, equivalent to a quotation last week of 1161; and as they are today. 1141, equivalent to 118 with dividend, the price has been well supported, the lowest quotation of last week with dividend being 1171. Midland have declined today to 93—a fall of 51.; and Great Western, alter being at 84, are today again at 81, the price of Monday. The dividend upon these latter Shares will not exceed 34 per cent for the half-year, the same rate that was paid in January last. A portion of this dividend, however, is made up from the unexpended balance of last half-year. Thus, in January, after paying a dividend of 31 upon a capital of 6,157,9001., the balance remaining was 41,7911. If the pro- posed dividend of 31 per cent be now paid upon a capital of 6,689,650/., the balance remaining will only be 7,8211. The gross traffic returns for the half-year ending the 31st December amounted to 534,4554 while for that jest ended they amount to 519,5421. There is an increase of about 18,7001. in the working expenses, occa- sioned by the opening of about thirty additional miles of railway; while the balance is further exhausted by having to provide a dividend at the rate of 31 per cent for the half-year upon the increased capital, which claim was formerly satisfied by the interest of 2 or 2* per. cent paid upon it in its previous form of debentures.
There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign Shares.
The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 12th August, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following rmults-
BANSIN3 DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest Public Deposits £6,290 943,773
Other Deposits
£528,115 Seven-day and other Bills
21,890 Government Securities, including Dead-weight
Other Securities
94,669 Notes unissued 530,000
Actual Circulation
Notes issued 3,610
This week. Last week.
Total Bullion In both Departments 13,364,991 13,396,654 Actual Circulation 18,165,725 18,692,115
The wet weather has thrown a damp upon the market, and the first price of Consols was 851 for Account. Some money purchases have, however, checked the downward tendency. There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign Fends. The Railway Shares are also heavy at yesterday's quotations.
3 per Cent Consols
851 1
Danish 3 per Cents 68 70 Ditto for Account 851 i
Dutch 24 per Cents
44 45 3 per Cent Reduced
851 i
Dltto 4 per Cents 70 71 81 per Cents 864 7 Mexican 5 per Cents 1896... 164 17 Long Annuities
New Granada 114 124 Bank Stock 1964 84 Portuguese 17.4 perCents 1842 18 19 Exchequer Bills 24 32 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 64 66 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 98 101 Brazilian 5 per Cents
68 70
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 12 13 Belgian 44 per Cents 669 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 223 Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela 16 18 Chill= 6 per Cents 836