The Board of Directors of the Great Eastern Railway Com-
pany have issued a reply to Captain Jervis's charges. It is too lengthy to condense, but the main allegations are that Captain Jervis is chiefly moved by the resistance of the Board to proceed- ings intended not to benefit the railway, but to secure two seats at Harwich. That is probably true, most men needing some personal motive to stir them up to their duty, but still the duty is done, and the Board admit that the grand accusation—an over- issue of debentures—is true. They say that they cannot help it, for "at times it is desirable to take up all the money which can be obtained," at other times not. In other words, the business of a board is to get money cheap, if possible legally, but if not pos- sible, then illegally. Why not, on the same argument, steal the money at once—the cheapest process of all ? On this point Cap- tain Jervis has the Board on the hip, and on the remainder Mr. George Josselyn, of Ipswich, another director, writes to the Times to say that the true differences between the Vice-Chairman and the Board are not explained in the reply, that he never saw the reply, and that be also shall call for the fullest investigation,—all which is pleasant for the shareholders of the Great Eastern, 14033 interests have either been sacrificed by the Board to make things pleas int, or by Captain Jervis to secure hilt election.