Poems Of Purpose And Sketches In Prose Of Scottish Peasant
Life and Character. By Janet Hamilton. (Murray, Glasgow; Ritchie, Edin- burgh; Nisbet, London.)—" An old woman of threescore and ten, whose only schoolroom was a shoemaker's......
Christ The Interpreter Of Scripture. By John R. Beard, D.d.
(Whit- field and Green.)—This is a volume of sermons addressed to a congre- gation at Manchester, "assembling for the worship of the Father," by their first minister. Dr. Beard......
Lectures On Practical Geology. By Professor D. T. Amsted....
wicke.)—Professor Ansted has some difficulty in descending to the level of the unlearned, otherwise this would be a very useful volume. Some knowledge of geology and chemical......
A Key For Every Lock. By The Late Rev. C.
T. Yorke, Rector of Shenfield. (Hatchard.)—This is an interpretation of the Book of Revela- tions, based on what is called by the author the general, as distinguished from the......
William Shakespeare. By His Eminence Cardinal Wiseman....
is out of the question under the painful cir- cumstances which attended the production and publication of this frag- ment. The late Cardinal, at the request of the Royal......