Another Officer Has Been Shot By One Of His Own
men. Major F. IL de Vere, instructor in field fortifications in the Royal Engineer establishment, had 0C11114011 to send a private named Currie for six days to the cells. He had......
Do Our Readers Remember The Name Of Ljgarta, The Jesuit
whose invention of a post-office to the Virgin caused 2,500 ladies in the Cathedral of Santiago to be burnt to death, and who exulted in his victims as saints whom Mary had......
The Latest Papers From New Zealand (june 14) Are Full
of a great official scandal. The facts, on which wu have else- where commented, appear to be these. General Cameron, weary of a war in which he has not succeeded—Maories very......
No Further Doubt Exists That The Man Who Murdered Three
chil- , dren in Holborn and a woman and child at Ramsgate was Stephen Forwood, alias Ernest Southey, baker, billiard-sharper, and writer of begging letters. Before the......
The Latest Account From Germany Is That The Austrian And
Prussian Governments have made up their differences, and that Kaiser and King are to meet at Salzburg. The basis of accom- modation is saki to be a joint occupation of the......
Imposture And A Blasphemy." No Matter, Jew Or Christian,...
first duty was to curse hard. The Liverpool Ma, trying to express the universal annoyance of the community at these outrages, abused Mr. Kelly in language certainly violent,......
It Is Stated That The Prussian Government Is Trying To
accumu- late a treasure against "eventualities." Among other devices it has cancelled a contract with the Cologne-Minden Railway for a sum of 4,500,000/. This contract bound......
A Meeting Of The Fleets Of Great Britain And France
came off at Cherbourg on the Emperor's fête-day, the 15th inst.., the Channel ironclad squadron, attended by four wooden ships, all under the command of Admiral Dacres, entering......
The Leading British Railways Left Off At The Following...
yesterday and on Friday week :— Friday, August 11. Friday, August /3. Caledonian Great Eastern .. Great Northern .. Great Western.. Do. West Midland, Oeforl Lancashire and......
On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 891 For Money,
and 891 for account. Yesterday the closing prices were 89}j for delivery, and 89fl for time.......
The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign Securities...
on Friday week were as follows :— Friday, August 1 I. Friday, August, 18. Greek 21 2 Do. Coupons Uaxican 231 231 Spanish Passive •• Tee Do. Certificates 28 1 18 /41 Turkish......