19 AUGUST 1865, Page 3

Do our readers remember the name of lJgarta, the Jesuit

whose invention of a post-office to the Virgin caused 2,500 ladies in the Cathedral of Santiago to be burnt to death, and who exulted in his victims as saints whom Mary had called to herself ? He has not been expelled from Chili, nor has he lost his influence. The Legislature of the Republic has recently been considering whether it would not be wise to abolish the law which prohibits the pro- fession of any religion except the Roman Catholic. IJgarte of comse was opposed to any such liberal blasphemy, and as men would not listen to him, he addressed two hundred ladies so fiercely that they invaded Congress, screaming "Death to heretics !" and had to be dispersed by the soldiery. It is believed that the next session will see the abolition of the law.