Life in the World. Sermons Preached at St. Luke's, Berwick
Street. By Rev. Harry Jones, M.A., Incumbent. (Rivington.)—This is by no means an ordinary volume of sermons. Homely and perhaps a little abrupt in style, they are, we should think, admirably adapted for the shrewd artizans and somewhat adventurous traders who would form the principal part of a congregation gathered together in Berwick Street. Mr. Jones is not much troubled about verbal difficulties or questions of genealogies ; he is concerned with the busy life around him, its need of help, and the divine help provided. "It is well," he says, in one passage, "not to pursue texts into their details ;" in another, quoting the words, "unto the pure all things are pure," he proceeds thus :— " They behold the inspiring Spirit of God in the Holy Scriptures. They feel their own hearts respond to it, and they see through the flaws in that vehicle by which it is conveyed to their own minds." These two passages taken together will give a clue to the writer's way of thinking on one of the controversies of the day. At the same time it must be remembered that the whole volume is eminently uncontroversial and practical, and is full of the deepest and warmest Christian feeling. We heartily commend it.