Sir Garnet Wolseley arrived at Alexandria on Tuesday corn- pletely
restored to health, and has since been concerting mea- sures with the other Generals. The last news is that a large part of the force at Sir Garnet Wolseley's disposal is embark- ing for Borne other place,—Aboukir the accounts say, and pro- bably Aboukir will be among the points attacked,—leaving little more than a garrison in Alexandria. It is probable that Sir Garnet Wolseley intends some combined action with the Suez force from India,—a manceuvre which will show us pretty soon of what stuff Arabi's troops are made. The fort at Aboukir must, of course, be bombarded, before any. troops can land there ; but it is not likely, we think, that the chief advance will be made from Aboukir. We shall probably know some- thing definitely of the military prospect before our next issue.