Our Sable Visitor.* Two Books Concerning Zululand, Very...
character, but each the result of considerable personal experience, come not inopportunely to contribute their quota towards determin- ing the vexed questions what is the......
Rambles Round Eton And Harrow. By Alfred Rimmer. (matto. And
Windus.) — Mr. Rimmer has given us here one of those very pleasant volumes by which he seeks to dissipate the too common ignorance among us of the beauties of our own country.......
A Ball-room Repentance. By Annie Edwardes. 2 Vols....
Son.) —This is a story which has the advantage of large type, and the further advantage of being written in two volumes, . It will gain readers, for Mrs. Edwardes, who can do......
A Short History Of The Kingdom Of Ireland, From The
Earliest Times to the Union with Great Britain. By Charles George Walpole. (C. Kogan Paul and Co.)—This volume may best be described as a useful one, especially at the present......
Current Literature.
Summer Stories for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. Ifolesworth. (Mac- millan and Co.)-.--No one will complain—boys and girls least of all— if Mrs. Molesworth chooses to give us one of......