19 AUGUST 1882, page 13

"nine Tailors Mare A Man."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR."] STIL, - A propos of your review of "Henry Erskine and His Times," may I remark that"nine tailors," &c., has originally no sartorial reference......

Letters To The Editor.

SPOILING THE EGYPTIANS. • [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." I Sin,—Allow me to make a few remarks on the prominent, and„ on the whole, very fair notice which you were good......

The Bible Of Christ And His Apostles. [to The Editor

Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—I have just seen in the Spectator of August 5th your notice of my book with the above title. Will you kindly allow me in a few words to correct a......


[TO THE EDITOR OF ma "SPECTAT010] Sra,—Is not the explanation of "the evidence of extraordinary events" to be found by considering the phenomena known at present as "......