he German Government denies that it has influenced the bankers,
but as they are the firms which it usually employs, the denial is disbelieved, and the French are exceedingly angry. They say they had a promise that no concession would be obtained by anybody in Morocco until the Confer- ence had regulated the international relations of the Shereefian State, and look upon the loan as almost an act of treachery. They are perhaps a little hypersensitive, more especially as they were officially informed that such a loan would be provided; but it is curious to note how every movement of the German Emperor begins to create angry suspicion among his neighbours. They expect designs against them even when there are none. That is, of course, a tribute to German great- ness, but it is by no means a temper favourable to the success of German diplomacy. The angler may be ever so expert, but when the fish perceive him he gets few trout.