Our French Guests Departed On Monday Delighted With Their...
which, in fact, was exceedingly well organised. Every usual honour was paid to the visitors, and one which, we believe, is without a precedent. The officers of the French Fleet......
In Reply To A Request From The Editor Of Die
Nation, a leading weekly periodical published in Berlin, Mr. Bryce has contributed a statement of his views with regard to public opinion in England about Germany. Mr. Bryce......
The Channel Fleet Started For Its Cruise In The Baltic
on Tuesday, and anchored off Ymuiden on Wednesday morning, the usual ceremonious interchange of visits between the British and Dutch Admirals taking place during the day. On......
The Speeches After The Banquet Were All, Of Course, In
one tone, the appreciation of France being the more marked from the total absence of provocation to any other Power. Mr. Balfour's was the most important and the best. His......
The Suffering In Parts Of Spain Must Be Very Great.
Anda- lusia has been visited with a protracted drought, and it is officially reported that two hundred thousand persons are without means of subsistence. There is no Poor-law,......
The War In German South-west Africa Is Evidently A Source
of serious perplexity to the statesmen in Berlin. Much is due to the conduct of General von Troths, the Commander-in-Chief, whose methods of blood and iron scarcely commend......
On Tuesday Two Hundred Members Of The British Associa- Tion
landed at Cape Town, and the South African meeting was inaugurated the same evening by the delivery in the City Hall by the President, Professor G. H. Darwin, of the first half......