Sir,—are You Not Too Severe On Mr. Chesterton (spectator,...
12th) — presumably a layman—when he stigmatises St. Peter as "a snob " ? The late Bishop Walsham How, who edited an otherwise attractive "Commentary of the Four Gospels," which......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator:]
Sin,—The admirable article on the Report of the Royal Commission on the Supply of Food and Raw Material in Time of War, in the Spectator of August 12th, induces me to say a few......
Schoolboy Rifle-shooting: A Suggestion. Pro The Editor Of...
SIR,—You have always shown yourself so sympathetic in the matter of schoolboy rifle-shooting that I venture to make a suggestion which I believe may be of value even as things......
(to Thr Editor Of The "spectator."]
Srit,—I venture to draw your attention to the tendency of the present authorities at the War Office and Treasury to reduce the status and strength of the Corps of Royal......