The Legislative Council of Canada have thrown out the Agent's
Bill, passed by the House of Assembly. The objection was not to the establishment of an agency, but to the person app lilted— Mr. ROEBUCK. Tile majority of the members declared that they could not hold intercourse with a gentleman who had declared their body to be "a nuisance." Some sensation had been created by the committal of a Mr. GASPE to prison for a month by the House of Assembly for a breach of privilege, which certainly appears to have been gross. Mr. GASPE, a newspaper reporter, was charged with reporting unfairly, in an article which appeared in an Opposition journal., He chose to consider Dr. CALLAGHAN, a member of the House of Assembly, as the author of the cargo; and proceeding to the House, sent fur the Doctor, whom he threatened with a public horsewhipping if he caught him in the streets. GASP E is a Tory, CALLAGHAN a Liberal.