19 DECEMBER 1835, page 13

Memorials Of Coleridge.

NEITHER titlepage nor preface has thrown any light upon the character and position of the editor of these remains ; but a perusal of the volumes has pretty well satisfied us......

Spectator's Library.

ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE, The Pirate and the Three Cutters. By Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with twenty splendid Engravings, from Drawings by Clarkson Stanfield, Esq. It.A.......

Illustrated Litera.ture—marryat's Sea-scenes And Watts's...

WE imagine we have looked our last upon the pure old Annuals of the year ; and in good sooth we are not grieved. Except the Oriental and the Picturesque, each of which had a......

Mr. Ala.ric Watts Has In Some Measure Also Forestalled Our

recommendation, by totally repudiating the character of Annual for his Literary Souvenir, In future it will be his object to render it "a complete epitome, graphic and literary,......