The Legislative Council Of Canada Have Thrown Out The...
Bill, passed by the House of Assembly. The objection was not to the establishment of an agency, but to the person app lilted— Mr. ROEBUCK. Tile majority of the members declared......
The Treaty For The Marriage Of Prince Ferdinand Augustus Of
Saxe Coburg, nephew of the Dutchess of KENT and King LEO- POLD, was definitively signed at Coburg on the 7th instant, by plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties. A proxy......
Negotiations Are In Progress Between The Government Of...
States and the new Prussian Commercial League. There is a project on foot for establishing one common system of com- mercial regulations, and one tariff of duties, to which all......
Count Almodovar, The Spanish Minister Of War, Has Left...
in company with General ALAVA, for Navarre: during his absence MENDIZABAL will perform the duties ct his office. The object of ALMODOVAR'S journey is to concert a plan for the......
News Of The Week.
THE publication of the speech of NICHOLAS to the victims of his tyranny at Warsaw, and the general cry of indignation which followed it throughout civilized Europe, seem to have......
The Care With Which The O'sunia V An Faction Have
avoided every thing like fair discussion, and the precaution they have taken to pack their meetings, is proof of consciousness on their pint that the People are no longer with......