19 DECEMBER 1835, Page 16

The Second Number of the " Cabinet Library of Scarce

and Cele- brated Tracts," contains A Discourse on the Past History, Present State, and Future Prospects of the Law, by the Honourable JOSEPH STORY. Mr. STORY is one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States ; and his Discourse conveys a very high opinion of his abilities both as a lawyer and a scholar. It presents an elegant and comprehensive view of the rise and progress of the English Law ; a brief account of the authorities on which it rests, and an estimate of their value ; a series of very flattering portraits of the great English Judges ; and lastly, a coup (hell of the present state of the law in America, with a kind of critical précis of the lawyers. This is enough to recommend the tract; but it has yet another interest for the politi- cian. It illustrates the remarks of Dr. TOCQUEWILI.F. on the aristo- cratical tendency of the American lawyers as a body. The Judge indved says nothing about politics ; but it is easy to see, from what he loves, admires, and recommends, that the profession is opposed to hasty changes; or to yielding to " the clamours of the populace."