In the Vice Chancellor's Court, on Wednesday, the motion for
an injunction to restrain the Corporation of Wells from proceeding with the erection of a new market-house, and the sale of certain corporate estates, was again postponed, in order to give the applicants time for replying to the.affidavits filed in opposition to the motion. Mr. Jacobs, the counsel for the Corporation, pressed for an immediate decision ; for, he said, his clients would be functi officio on Christmas-day; and if the matter should not be previously disposed of, the costs they had to go before incurred would be in very serious jeopardy.
Among the bills brought into Court by the Middlesex Grand Jury, on Tuesday, was a true bill .'against his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, for a common assault. All that could be learned on inquiry upon the subject was, that the transaction was alleged to have taken place some months ago ; and that there was only one name on the back of the indictment, that of the prosecutor (a cabman), who alone was sworn the Grand Jury—Times.
Susannah Blake, the woman who stabbed her mistress, Miss Scott, in the mouth with a carving-knife, was tried on Wednesday, in the Central Criminal Court, and acquitted, on the ground of insanity.
Yesterday, the three men who were charged with forgeries on the Bank of Poland "constituted by a certain Prince, to wit, Nicholas of Russia," were tried, and acquitted.
At the Marlborough Street Office, on Tuesday, a person applied to the Magistrates to know what would be done with 98 unstamped newspapers, his property, which had been seized by the emissaries of the Stamp-office: he had always understood that the parties who sold them were taken into custody ; but in this case the papers had been seized, and the boy who sold them suffered to go at large. The Ma- gistrates told him, that all that would now be done was, to take away the papers, and suffer the sellers of them to go about their business, on giving their address, and promising to appear before the Magistrates the next day at the Police-office ; but in every case the whole of the papers would be forfeited.