Lord Mulgrave has carefully selected the most Liberal names from
among those of the gentlemen presented by the Judges to serve the office of High Sheriff.
The Dublin Evening Post says—" The Reform Association has been nearly completed. Its object is solely to attend to the registries. The first names in the country are inscribed in the list." It is said that for some time past, and previously to the publication of Mr. O'Connell's letter, preparations had been privately made for the forma- tion of this Association.
The Dublin Royal Society have refused, by a vote of 94 to 46, to take the opinion of counsel as to the validity of the by-law under which Dr. Murray was rejected.
Government are removing from their station such Police Magistrates as gave evidence before the Intimidation Committee unfavourable to the habits and character of their reverences the priests. —Dublin Even- ing Mail. [Government is very right in removing such violent parti- sans as Singleton.'