III Wr ts.
On the 16th inst., the Coentess C NM' I M. I AM, of a son.
On the lit Ii aust., in Grosvenor Square, Lady E sic c.v PosEe. of a son and heir.
On the 12th inst., at Gmlinershani Park, the Lady GrounE II iht„ of a daughter. 0,, toe 13th just., at Branham Biggin, Yoikshire, the Hon. Mrs. IIENar lia tISDEN,
of a son.
At Barbson. the lady of Sir T. SABINE PASLEY, Dart., of it son.
On the 7th hilt., in Edinburgh, the Lady of FAIni'vx, of a daughter. On the 901 lust., at Cambo House, Eifeshire, the I.atly of Sir DAvin EnsitiNE, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 1701 inst., at the Vicarage, Meriden. the Wife of the Hon. and Rev. WILLIAM of a son.
On the 2.a.1 ult.. at Connie House, Lady MANSELL, the Wife of Sir John Mansell, Bart., of three daughters. all of whom, milli the mother, are citing Mrs. liritten, of the New Minket Tavern, Both, of lour children, two boys and Iwo girls, all since dead.
On the 12th inst., at Petersham, Sorry, A aTurn EDWARD K :rex, Esq., of the 241 Regiment of Life Guards. driest sic of John K nox, Esq.,of Castle Rea, comity of Mayo, to the lion. Lady JANE l'Atisoxs. eldest daughter of the Earl of Rosse. At Merton, Norfolk, hi. N. 0ARNIER, Esq., SO.1 of the late Rev. W. Gamier, of Rookesbury. Hants, to HENRIETTA. daughter of I.ord Walsingham. On the 10th inst. at Paris, I■tonsieur JoErs Inspector General of the private domains of the King of the French and of the House of Orleans, to Madernui. seile CELESTE, youtiger daughter of the Baron D'Ilantionet. 011 the 5th inst., ut North Grine/ton, Yorkshire, the Rev. CHARLES TUENF.12, scrotal son of Charles Turner, Esq., of lantvell Park, Middlesex. to KATHARINE, yOilligeSI daughter of the late Rev. James Carter Gleeu. of North Grimstou. (tit the 8th inst.. the Rev. EDWARD THOMAS !Awls, of Newcastle EmIsti, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas I.ewis, Vicar of Cenarth, Carmarthenshire, to HARRIET, fourth daughter of John lbhotson. Esq., of Ealing, Middlesex. On the 10th inst, at 'Huts, StaffunIshire, the Rev. AUGUSTUS SHORT, student of Christ Church, Oxford. to Mil.i.f.emer CLARA, second daughter of the late John Phil- lips. Esq.. of Culliam house, Oxfordshire. On the 12th inst., the ltev. THOMAS BROWN, of Christ's Hospital. to MARY, eldest daughter of the late John Webb. Esq., of Lee Hall, .Staffordshire. On the 1st inst., at Portland Street, Glasgow, GEORGE S. TULLIS, Esq., Curer Fife, to JANE, daughter of Alexander M•Briar. Esq. On the 8111 inst , at Emden, Moutgomerythire, JOHN GLENNE MyTTER. Esq., eldest son of the Rev. Devereux My tten, Rector of Llandyeill, to CHARLOTTE, only daughter of Col. Davies, of Nantailka Hall.
On the Sth lust,. at Lermington, the lion.NVILLIAll Hope, fifth surviving son of the late Gen. John Earl of I lopetoun.
On the 6th inst., at Abbey Leis, the Rev. ARTHUR NEWCOPdE, Vicar of Abbey Leis, and ef Aughauville House, in King's County'. On the 10th, inst., at (7lieltenliam, iu her 79/h year, HANNAH, widow of the late Gen. Charles Morgan, of Portland Place. On the 11th inst., at Fortin, near Gosport, Haute, in his 68th year, Mr. JOHN Tomanes, formerly of Abingdon. Berks, Mr. T. SAUNDERS, the celebrated breeder of sheep, of Freefolk Farm, near Andover, in his 77th year. Near Hemel Hempstead, JOHN COTTON. Esq., in his 84th year. At Templemore, Major JONATHAN WILLINOTON, late of the 17th Lancers.
At Castle Bellingham, in her Seth year, Amex, daughter of the late Allan Bellingliani, Esq.
On the 2,1 inst.. at Dumfries, JAMES ALEXANDER MAXWELL, and on the 4th, NICHOLAS, children of William Tennant, Esq„ Comptroller of Customs there. On the 16th inst., at Hampton Court Palace, ANI'di CAROLINE FITZROY, daughter of the late (Ion. Henry Fitzroy, brother of the lot.. Lord Southampton. On the 4tir hist., at Bath, Captain SANUERbloN, of the Bengal Cavalry, in his 441h year. From mechanist ddlieulties which could not be obviated in time, the Printer has been obliged te omit HI/111111U r of the Ailvertisenieuts sent for infierli011 iu this week's Spectator. Some of them will not be too late next week.
Communications on the Grievances of Malta are uuavoidably postponed. This seems to be au ioexhausi suiwe of inspiration to those intelestal iu the colony.