The Edinburgh Tories had resolved to use St. Andrew's Church
in that city. for what is called a " Protestant meeting ;" and the Dean of Guild, inadvertently as it would seem, gave his consent to this pros- titution of a place of worship to the uses of a faction. But the Town- Council of Edinburgh refused to sanction the arrangement ; and on Tuesday last, passed a resolution, on the motion of Mr. ADAM BLACK, " That as the Council are unwilling to give their countenance to any mea- sures which may be mist toed as sanctioning proceedings which may have a tendency to foster intolerance, and to set one part if the community against the other, arid as various meetingsfor forming Protestant Associations in other parts of the country have been strongly marked with this tendency, and with political and anyry ftelings, that therefore the Dean of Guild be instructed to withdraw his letter, granting the use of St. Andrew's Church on Thursday, for the purpose of forming a Protestant Association in this city."