French politicians are preparing for a lively Christmas-time. The Committee
on Tonquin has made its report, and has decided to advise a reduction of the credits to one-fourth the
amount demanded, and thus compel a speedy evacuation. The Government will resist this ; and as the debate is fixed for Monday, it is probable that before the end of the week the Ministry will have resigned. Then the re-election of the Presi- dent is fixed for Tuesday week, the 28th inst., and may be materially affected by the division on Tonquin. At present it is arranged that the two Chambers, sitting together, shall re-elect M. Gr6vy ; but it is necessary to obtain a clear majority of the entire Congress, which is impossible if the Right, exasperated by the Tonquinese debate, thinks fit to revolt. In that event, it is believed M. de Freycinet will be brought forward for the Presidency ; but it is more probable that there will be half a dozen ballots, ending perhaps in the selection of some name not yet
publicly announced. '