Mr. Chamberlain Made A Clever Speech At Birmingham On...
in which be classed the Scotsman, the Leeds Mercury, and this journal together as papers conducted " without a spark of popular sympathy." For our own parts, we should have......
The Wealth Of The Late Mr. Vanderbilt Proved To Be
even greater than we had anticipated. We suggested thirty-five millions sterling; but it appears that in the eight years which have elapsed: sine* his father's death Mr.......
Sir Charles Dilke Made A Speech At Chelsea Last Monday,
in which he again urged the undesirability of the Liberals taking office without a working majority of the House of Commons. It is clear enough that he and Mr. Chamberlain have......
The Prince Of Bulgaria Is, Very Wisely And Rightly, But
also very astutely, making for himself friends of the mammon of unrighteousness. The anti-Jewish prejudices of Central Europe are still stronger in the Balkans, where an idea is......
Burmah Is Not Annexed, And A Rumour Is Growing Up
in Calcutta that it will not be, though no native Prince is named as having been even considered by the Government of India. It looks very much as if the Cabinet had determined......
The Recent Chance That The United States Might Be Left
with- out a legal President appears seriously to have alarmed American politicians. Mr. Hendricks was dead, Congress was not sitting, and if Mr. Cleveland dropped down suddenly,......
In Regard To The Politics Of The Day, Mr. Chamberlain
dis- couraged any attempt to throw out the Government prema- turely, though he did not conceal a perhaps excessive distrust of the present Government, especially in relation to......
The News From Egypt Is Still Scanty And Obscure ;
but her Majesty's Government evidently believe that the new Arab leader, Khalif Abdoollah, who holds the River Nile from Khartoum to Dongola, has serious intentions of invading......