Great Battles Of The British Army, And Great Battles Of
the British Navy, are two stoat and good-looking volumes, both by Mr. Charles Rathbone Low, and published by Messrs. Routledge and Sons. Mr. Low brings both stories down to the......
Two Ways Of Looking At It. By Austin Clare. (s.p.c.k.)—daisy
Meadows and her father came to take charge of a school in a mining village in the North, he as master, she as mistress of the infant school. Here they encounter James Elliot,......
A Sea Change. By Flora L. Shaw. (routledge And Sons.)
—Here we have the familiar incident (more familiar, perhaps, inflation than in real life) of the child saved from a wreck, brought up in ignorance of her birth, and afterwards......
The Ogre : A Story For Young Children. By May
Cumaington. (Wu.= Ward.)—The " ogre " of this story is not the horrible creature which the realistic Lord Brabonrne delights to draw, bat a kind-hearted Scotch teacher of music,......
The Island Queen. By R. M. Ballantyne. (nisbet And Co.)—in
this " Tale of the Southern Ocean " Mr. Ballantyne plunges in medics res. He describes to us an open boat with its starving occupants. These are soon reduced to the three who......
Birds, Beasts, And Fishes. Drawn By Harrison Weir. With...
and Poetry by Mrs. Sale Barker. (Routledge and Sons.)—The illus- trations, of course, are excellent, and the prose sufficiently good ; but the poetry might be better. — From the......
Current Literature.
GIFT BOOKS. The Thames, from Source to Sea. (Cassell and Co.) —We are sorry that we did not receive this handsome volume in time to include it in the same review which we gave......
Sylvia's Daughters. By Florence Scannell. (warne And...
pathetic little story of emigres in the French Revolution. The Marquis de Kergaeven has married the daughter of an English squire against her father's will. He and his daughters......
Of Books For Younger Children We Have No Small Supply
before us, and must be content with a brief notice or even bare mention of individual specimens. Fearless Frank ; or, the Captain's Children, by Mary E. Gillie (Griffith,......
The Wanderings Of The 'beetle.' (griffith, Farran, And...
not know whether we are right in including this volume in our notices of "Christmas and Gift-Books." A gift-book it may certainly be, for it is a pleasant narrative, and......
Twelve Old Friends, By Georgians M. Craik (w. Swan Sonnen-
schein and Co.), gives us twelve well-known fables, with an intro- duction showing how they were retold to certain children. The narrator is quite aware of a possible criticism......