19 DECEMBER 1885, Page 3

Dr. Howson, the Dean of Chester, died at Bournemouth on

Tuesday, at the age of sixty-nine, after a somewhat short illness, for which, however, his family had been partially prepared by the failing state of health which rendered it necessary for him to go for the winter months to the South Coast. Dr. Howson was a good preacher, and a man of considerable acquirements. In conjunction with Mr. Conybeare, he published a great book on St. Paul, in which the learning was chiefly contributed by himself ; and he published other works more or less connected with the same theme, one of which, consisting of lectures delivered in the United States (at Philadelphia), we noticed in these columns four years ago. He was also a very active Dean, and raised in the coarse of four years no less than 240,000 for the restoration of Chester Cathedral. The late Dean was a great sup- porter of the movement for establishing an order of Deaconesses in the Church, —a much-needed one entirely right in its aims.