19 DECEMBER 1885, Page 3

The new Bishop of Ely is to be Lord Alwyne

Compton, at present Dean of Worcester. He is a moderate man, of moderately High-Church views and Conservative principles, who does not meddle much in politics, and has been very popular at Worcester,—the very type, in short, of what a Tory Premier would regard as an ideal Bishop, a blameless gentle. man of high caste and quiet Conservatism. Lord Salisbury has not yet taken heart of grace to follow Mr. Gladstone's example in appointing to any high post a. member of the party opposed to his own ; but very probably a Conservative Premier has more difficulty in bringing himself to believe that a Liberal can be a good Churchman, than a Liberal Premier has in bringing himself to believe that a Conservative can be a.good Churchman. Perhaps, indeed, Conservatives would not only admit, but even boast, that their sympathies in political matters are less elastic than those of their opponents. It is in some sense a note of their creed that they can make less allowance for what they think the perverted ideas of Liberals, than Liberals can make for what they only regard as the backwardness of political development in Conservatives.