19 DECEMBER 1903, Page 17


m.o. EDITOR 07 TKI "SPECTATOB..1 Sta.,-4 should be grateful if you or any of your readers could inform me as to whether the words from St. Augustine's writings to which Cardinal Newman attributed his conversion, Seourus judicat orbis terrarum, were quoted by St. Augustine from another source. Was it, perhaps, a current proverb in his day ? And has the argument been considered valid in any other controversy than the Donatist, in which St. Augustine employed it ? There would also appear to be some difference of opinion as to the correct English rendering.—I am, Sir, &c., [The author of "Ionics " ingeniously translated the sentence in his lines referring to the time,-

" Ere Apologia had found out The round world must be right."

• seED. Spectator.)