The Study Of Ecclesiastical History, By W. E. Collins, B.d.
(Longmans and Co., 28. 6d. net), is one of the " Handbooks for the Clergy "appearing under the general editorship of the Rev. A. W. Robinson. Professor Collins rightly insists......
The Queen Can Do No Wrong. By Herbert Compton. (chatto
and Windus. 65.)—Who would have thought of selecting as a heroine Caroline of Brunswick ? It is true that at one time she was a popular favourite. But the feeling was not so......
Katharine Frensham. By Beatrice Harraden. (w. Blackwood...
Miss Harraden is never actually un- readable, it must be confessed that Katharine Frensham is not a particularly convincing book. The characters do not seem alive, and their......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading ice notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Benjamin Franklin. By Joseph D. Choate. (Harrison and Sons.) — Here......
Adventures In Hiveland. By Frank Stevens. (hutchinson And...
6d.)—Mr. Stevens has given us in Adventures in Hiveland a very pleasantly written little book treating of the life of the bee. The author has sought by means of a fairy-tale to......
One Hundred Bible Stories For Children. By Robert Bird. (t.
Nelson and Sons. 5s.)—These "Bible Stories " are from the Old Testament. They are told in simple language for " children who are too small to understand the Bible when they hear......
In The "churchman's Bible" We Have Isaiah X/.-lzvi., Ex-...
by W. E. Barnes, D.D. (Methuen and Co., 2s. net). Dr. Barnes sets forth in a very sober and convincing way the arguments which have led critics to divide the Book of Isaiah into......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOBS. The Gayton Scholarship, by Herbert Hayens (T. Nelson and Sons, ls. 6d.), is a "school story," more full of incident, one might say, than real school life happily is,......
We Are Obliged To Pass Over Without Notice Most Of
the many volumes of sermons which reach us, but we must find space for a few words of welcome to a volume which may be described as the firstfruits of a ministry which cannot......
Barbs Of Grand Bayou. By John Oxenham. (hodder And...
6s.)—We have seen, we think, better work by Mr. Oxenham than he has given us here. This does not, however, mean that this is not good. All the earlier part is indeed excellent.......
Children Of Kings. By W. Lorgan O'byrne. (blackie And Son.
2s. 6d.)—Mr. O'Byrne continues his adaptation of Celtic legends to the wants and tastes of young readers. It must bo understood that he treats them with a certain method. They......
The Longshoremen. By George Bartram. (edward Arnold....
story of adventure. The "longshoremen" are, of course, smugglers, the date of the story being about a hundred years ago. Endless are the crimes which these gentlemen commit, and......