Sir Richard Cartwright, The Canadian Minister Of Trade...
made a remarkable speech at Toronto on Friday week. Like other critics, he observed that he could not be sure whether Mr. Chamberlain had thought out his proposals. If they......
We Wish Mr. Creswell, Therefore, All Success In His...
effort to open the mines to white labour. Our most reluctant and limited acquiescence in the resort to Chinese labour, even as a temporary experiment, was given under a......
Of Count Goluchowski's Statement, Described As Monu-...
Times Vienna correspondent, we can only notice the most striking passages. The references to the renewal of the Triple Alliance were rendered remarkable by the emphasis on the......
Sir Richard Cartwright Is More Convincing As Critic Than...
We do not believe that the American Legislature would desert the protected manufacturer to help the farmer. They would be far more likely to reply to retaliation by an......
The Morning Post Of Wednesday Contained A Valuable Resumo Of
our official and military relations with Tibet, which may be commended to the attention of all who wish to be informed on the nature of Colonel Younghusband's Mission. The......
. The Times Of Wednesday Contained A Gloomy Account Of
the serious state of political unrest in Russia. Frequent murders of officials take place, and even the Social Democrats, who are nominally on the side of law and order, seem to......
The Transvaal Labour Question Threatens To Become Acutely...
week we noted the movement in favour of a Referendum. Now the Labour Importation Association, the rival of the African Labour League, has waited on Sir Arthur Lawley to protest......
Sir William Harcourt Addressed A Large Meeting Of His West
Monmouthshire constituents at Tredeaar on Friday week. The most effective part of his speech was that, in which, by way of comment on Mr. Chamberlain's " new history" of the......
We Publish In Another Column A Letter From Mr. Creswell,.the
able and independent Johannesburg mine manager who lately resigned one of the best posts on the Rand because he differed so profoundly from his employers on the subject of......