The Study of Ecclesiastical History, by W. E. Collins, B.D.
(Longmans and Co., 28. 6d. net), is one of the " Handbooks for the Clergy "appearing under the general editorship of the Rev. A. W. Robinson. Professor Collins rightly insists on the fact that history is a science, a truth which is more difficult of practical realisation than any other. This is all the more reason for in- sisting on it. The suggestions for study which is to have this for a starting point are excellent, the outcome of personal experi- ence. The bibliography at the end of the volume is likely to be useful; possibly it may seem a little long (there must be close upon three hundred volumes), but it would not be easy to retrench. The one suggestion we would make, and that only in view of human weakness, is that the indispensable books should be printed in larger type.